What is it and how can it help me?
In difficult times or when there is a desire for growth and self-development, some people come up with the desire (and sometimes an aspiration) to get better quickly, to work harder or to have to go beyond limits. But what if difficult times or times of growth can be improved by not working harder, but by being softer and kinder to yourself?
With self-compassion, you can experience life and any growth without stress and fatigue, but rather from love and acceptance for who you already are in this moment.
But what exactly is self-compassion?
Self-compassion can be described as looking at yourself kindly, gently and without judgment and taking care of yourself in moments when you are struggling. We are not perfect. As much as we might sometimes want to be. We make mistakes and sometimes feel inadequate. We are human.
Zelfcompassie helpt om die momenten dat het niet zo gaat als je zou willen op een gezonde manier door te komen. Door met mildheid en vriendelijkheid naar jezelf te kijken geef je jezelf de ruimte om te leren zonder angst en hoef je niet vast te houden aan negatieve gedachten. Je voelt meer ruimte om weer door te gaan met gezonde energie.

Self-compassion consists of three elements, which are mindfulness, common humanity and kindness.
You observe without judgment what is and happens, both the pleasant and less pleasant moments.
Common humanity
Realize that you are really not the only one who has these moments. We are all human and this is part of that.
Give yourself the kind support and warmth you would also give a friend. We deserve that just as much ourselves.
Are you ready to allow more self-compassion into your life?