Individual mindfulness - spots available from Nov/Dec 2024 - Click here




Being present in the now with kindness and care, non-judgementally, to be able to live life with healthy energy and balance.

Reduce stress and tension symptoms. Learn to relax and cope with stressful events.


Some days may be filled with difficult moments or stressful experiences. You may go through the day on autopilot. You feel restless, anxious or brooding. Are always tired and don't experience much joy.

But what if you could train how to turn off autopilot. Learn to break the patterns of ruminating, stress and tension. And can deal with the stressful events that will sometimes be part of life.

Now is a great time to get started with this.

Afterwards, you will know better how to:

+ reduce psychological and physical symptoms
+ relax
+ cope with stressful events
+ make conscious and purposeful choices
+ increase your energy and self-confidence
+ live life with an increased sense of well-being and pleasure.


“We see each moment as a new beginning, a new opportunity to start over, to tune in, to reconnect.”

Jon Kabat-Zinn

This is for …

  • You no longer want to go through life on autopilot
  • Are often tired, overwhelmed, have little energy
  • You have burn-out symptoms
  • You experience a lot of stress and/or have difficulty relaxing
  • You have physical discomforts and/or chronic pain
  • You want to enjoy life more, without just worrying or feeling depressed
  • You want to experience more peace in life
  • You have no complaints, but want to know more about mindfulness

Some of the benefits of mindfulness

  • Recognize automatic patterns and thoughts and deal with them lovingly and with kindness
  • Making conscious choices
  • Learning to cope with difficult situations
  • Worry less
  • Getting to know yourself better

  • Being more aware and in the moment 
  • Experiencing more energy and joy
  • Experiencing more calm and freedom
  • Having better attention and focus
  • Experiencing less stress
  • Learning to relax better
  • Increased self-confidence

The mindfulness training


The mindfulness training takes place in 8 weekly group meetings of 2.5 hours. You can register for these further down this page.

This includes:

  • An intake meeting
  • The training consisting of 8 sessions of 2.5 hours
  • A silent day (or part of the day)
  • Access to meditations
  • A workbook with information and homework


Sometimes you prefer to follow a mindfulness course individually or there are circumstances that make individual training more appropriate. An additional advantage is that the training can be tailored to your schedule and we can go deeper into personal topics. It can also be combined with or after a coaching program.


Mindfulness is also great to use within companies as part of the wellness approach for a healthy lifestyle and self-care of employees.

Elements of the training


Practice being mindful in daily life with mild acceptance


Coping with stress, fatigue and discomfort with compassion


Guided focus / meditation exercises


Gentle movement exercises


Learn about stress, fixed patterns, negative thinking and other things.

“Each moment is a place you’ve never been.”

― Mark Strand

Available courses

Mindfulness group training
New dates coming in 2025.

Sign up at the bottom of the page to be the first to receive updates on new trainings.

Individual or duo
There will be space again starting November / December 2024.

Please fill out the contact form and I will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss options.

Please read the frequently asked questions below for more information


Let’s talk about the details or request a custom quote

Fill out the form for further information or a customised quotation obligation-free. Please put in some information about plans and group size.

I will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the possibilities. After our conversation you will receive a quotation if you are still interested.


Please read the frequently asked questions below for more information


Working with Nathalie

Educator, mentor and behavioral scientist

I am a certified mindfulness trainer, graduated in Social and Behavioral sciences and I am a certified cognitive behavioral therapist. For over 20 years I have worked in (mental) health care and education as a behavioral scientist, school psychologist and family therapist.

Calm, self-care, nature and creativity are important parts of the work I do. Mindfulness is a beautiful part of this. This scientifically proven method offers a solid way to be more mindful in life with a gentle, non-judgmental outlook and acceptance. By practicing this, learning about recognizing fixed patterns and the effect of stress while also training attention and focus, you can make this way of life your own.  

Very down to earth and practical.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where and when will the workshop take place?

Individual registrations for the group trainings can be done through the registration button of the available training date. There you can also read where the workshop will take place.

For individual trainings and for collaborations with companies, this will be decided by mutual agreement.

What is the investment?

If you register for a group training you pay the price that is stated with the training. 

Companies receive a customized quote.

For whom is this not suitable?
About Nathalie, the workshop/training and mentoring, what it is not
I have another question

Thank you for your interest in mindfulness

Please fill out the form below and I will contact you as soon as possible.